My Blog

How Health Reform can work: Part 5
THE CHALLENGE Despite deep flaws that will have to be corrected, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has three aspects that make me optimistic about medical entrepreneurs being able to surmount the law’s barriers and create a consumer-dominated,...

How Health Reform can work: Part 4
A REAL FIX FOR PREVENTABLE DISEASES Despite deep flaws that will have to be corrected, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has three aspects that make me optimistic about medical entrepreneurs being able to surmount the law’s barriers and create a...

How Health Reform can work: Part 3
THE RISE OF LOCAL, HIGH-VALUE HEALTH PLANS Despite its deep flaws, the new health reform law, ACA, has three aspects that make me optimistic about medical entrepreneurs being able to surmount the law’s barriers and create a consumer-dominated, market-based system of...