The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a huge financial toll on America’s hospitals. According to a report from Strata Decision Technology, they will have lost an average $2,800 per COVID case, with many losing $8,000 to $10,000. Because of this, even a hospital that may...
America’s system of health care safety nets is an inadequate, balkanized, inefficient, unfair, unsustainable monstrosity. And that’s on a good day. Its two main components—Medicaid/CHIP for the poor and Medicare for the elderly and disabled—spend nearly a trillion...
Is there anybody who still doesn’t know that cigarettes are bad for them? You’d have to have lived under a rock—or received a public school education—to think otherwise. How about obesity, alcohol abuse, high cholesterol, elevated blood sugar, and hypertension? All...
I like the state health insurance exchange concept. It offers a necessary corrective to our failed employer/government-dominated group insurance system by giving American consumers the direct power to hold their insurers’ feet to the fire to deliver value. Letting...
Metaphorically (if Scatologically) Speaking It has been said that Michelangelo’s task of creating his magnificent “David” was actually quite simple. Just take a huge block of marble and chip away the parts that don’t look like David. In fixing the Affordable Care Act,...